
“Auf Wiedersehen” means “goodbye” in German.

In the spring of my junior year in college I studied abroad in Freiburg, Germany where I practiced my German and studied European Union politics. I later had the opportunity to spend a month in Brussels, Belgium interning for a member of the European Parliament.

Studying abroad was one of the best experiences of my life, so I wanted to create a blog that offered students who were planning to study abroad with advice  and provide resources  that will help prepare them for a great semester. I used blogs and websites to help me prepare as well, but now all the information is in one site!

My blog is called “Auf Wiedersehen America,” because not only did it apply to me living in Germany and speaking German, but in the beginning I was nervous about going abroad. I have wanted to study abroad since starting college, but I have never lived away from home, especially a different country. Study abroad is involves saying “goodbye” to your home country and saying “hello” to a new one. I guarantee your study abroad destination will later feel like your second home. I know it did for me.